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Manteo Elementary's Kindergarten teachers.

Welcome to Kindergarten

Kindergarten builds the groundwork for success in learning throughout future grades. Students learn a school routine and we concentrate on social skills with lots of learning collaboratively in groups. we have an awesome phonics program, called Letterland which incorporates Reading, writing and comprehension. We provide hands on learning of math skills with manipulatives. Our Science curriculum is filled with exciting, age appropriate experiments! We also teach Social Studies and Health. Our goal is to expose our Kindergarteners with as many valuable learning experiences as possible, while having fun and “turning our young students on” to learning!

NC Standard Course of Study for Kindergarten

Kindergarten Teachers

Christi Barnes

Position: Instructional Assistant

Betsy Binkley

Position: Teacher

Kallie Byrum

Position: Teacher

Ashleigh Dillon

Position: Teacher

Kasandra Gomez

Position: Instructional Assistant

Elcy Guerrero

Position: Teacher

Ann Marie Herman

Position: Instructional Assistant

Natalie Mazour

Position: Instructional Assistant

Adrienne Midgett

Position: Instructional Assistant

Jackie Mills

Position: Teacher